May 23, 2024 | Blue Donut Games, Blue Donut Studios, Games, Horror in the Library VR Game, Imersar, Video Games, VR, VR Community
Dave and I have been wanting to develop a game for a very long time. We’ve been working together for nearly 25 years. In that time we have developed e-commerce websites, extranets, eBusiness systems. That required a lot of different skills, obviously including...
May 12, 2024 | Further Beyond RPG
Class: The Operative They never tell you the odds since you always find some way to surpass them. As an operative, you are a highly skilled combatant able to take risks and come out on top through sheer luck or incredible precision. Danger and adrenaline are your...
May 12, 2024 | Further Beyond RPG, Uncategorized
Class: The Envoy With silver-tongued wit and tremendous guile, your well laid plan falls into place and you are able to outwit all those around you, be they high-class aristocrats or the minds of cunning alien monstrosities. As an Envoy, you are a quick thinker and a...
Mar 25, 2024 | Blue Donut Games, Boardgames, Further Beyond RPG, RPG
Further Beyond – Character Class Introduction Explorers of the Vast, it’s now time to take a sneak peek into how you can create your explorers in the galaxy of Further Beyond. A core part of your explorer will be their class. This will provide you with...
Mar 25, 2024 | Blue Donut Games, Boardgames, Further Beyond RPG, Games, RPG
Further Beyond – Additional Rule Changes #2 Now it’s time for the second part of our developer log focusing on the changes that have been made to the core rules. Join us today for a rundown of what you can expect in Further Beyond from downtime to hacking...
Mar 25, 2024 | Blue Donut Games, Boardgames, Further Beyond RPG, Games, RPG
Welcome back to Further Beyond! Further Beyond has been in development now for a while and I am excited to show you what I have been working on. Thus, we begin with our developer log series where I will go through all the progress that has been made to the game, what...